Tuesday, December 30, 2014


If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen my posts about knitting 15 pairs of socks in 2015. If you don't follow me, you can find me as wittyknittingyarn.

This is my only knitting goal for 2015. With my shop opening soon, and featuring mostly sock weight yarn, I figured it makes sense to have a sock knitting goal.

Come join me! Not sure what to do? It's simple; gather 15 skeins of yarn and 15 bags you cannot see through. I used brown lunch bags and found they work great for this. If you're really organized (which you will soon find that I am not), you can add a pattern and/or needles to each bag as well.

I numbered my bags 1-15. I'm not sure if I'll go in order or draw one at random.

Then, post your progress on Instagram using #15pairsin2015. ANNOUNCEMENT: I will randomly award prizes throughout the year!

Does 15 pairs in one year scare you?! No problem!! Join in on the fun anyway and do what you can. The thing I love most about the knitting/crocheting community is the support of one another. You never know what ideas you'll get or who you'll inspire.

Can't wait to see what you knit (or crochet) up in 2015!

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