Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 will be great...or something like that.

Well, I wrote this whole long post with some exciting news and a shop announcement. Apparently I hit something wrong because *poof* it's gone! I'll give the Cliff's Notes version:

-My husband has been in the Army for 14 years and got promoted!
-Starting tomorrow he will be a SFC (Sergeant First Class/E-7)
-I am VERY proud of him!!

How does this affect you and the knitting community

-A neighbor at our last post taught me to knit. 
-I was introduced to the wonderful world of fiber at that post, went to my first LYS, and have met some AMAZING people that will be my dear friends forever!
-I will be offering a military discount in my shop. More details on this later, but if you serve or have serve  or are the spouse or child of a service member (current or previous) you will receive FREE SHIPPING if delivered in the U.S. APO addresses apply as well! Outside the U.S. and not on a military installation? No problem! You too will receive a discount, equal to the price of U.S. shipping. Like I said, the exact details of this will be announced at a later date. (Not military? No worries! I will be offering various coupon codes and promotions for all to enjoy throughout the year). 

I feel like a small business move has had a snowball effect of goodness, and 2015 hasn't even begun (for us anyway in the Central Time Zone). Now matter how 2014 was for you, each of those moments has lead you to where you are today. Make 2015 YOUR year. I certainly am! Every stitch counts! Remember to tell your tale! Peace and love to you all in the new year. 

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