Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A yarn tale...chapter one

For a while now I have wanted to make my hobby into something more. To be honest, I wasn't really sure where to start. Even with this bright and shiny, brand new blog I'm not sure where to start. There are going to be some major life changes happening for me (and my family) and I cannot wait to get started. Sometime in 2015 I will be opening an Etsy shop, Tale. Tale will feature my very own yarn, dyed with my very own hands in my very own kitchen. The ultimate plan is to quit my current job, move into a large home, and create a studio space in that house so I may work from home. 

Why "Tale"? I wanted a name that was different and unique, yet easy to remember. I wanted something related to yarn, but not specifically to just knitting. I'm a crocheter too. So I looked up the definition of "yarn". Obviously we all know it's a spun thread used in knitting, crocheting, weaving, etc...but did you know it also means "a long or rambling story"? So, I got to thinking about word play.  All projects have a yarn tail...but they each tell a tale too. Maybe the pattern was gifted. Maybe the yarn is from a vacation. Maybe the finished object is something to treasure forever; or throw in the back of the closet never to be thought of again. The point is, each stitch tells a story. Every bit of yarn tells a tale. What's your tale?

I hope you'll join me on my tale, and be patient while my story unfolds. I can still be found on Instagram and Ravelry as wittyknittingyarn.